Climbing the Walls
Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them in your conversations and writing this week.
At the end of winter, people start climbing the walls. They are tired of staying home. They really want to go out. The same thing happened during the COVID-19 outbreak. People couldn’t go out a lot. Some people worked from home. People with service jobs couldn’t stay home. Staying home in small apartments with roommates or family was very stressful.
Flesch-Kinkead – Grade: 3
Near the end of a long winter, people start climbing the walls. They are tired of staying inside for a long time and are eager to go outside. The same thing happened during the COVID-19 outbreak. People had to avoid going out. Some people could telework but for many in service jobs, this wasn’t possible. Staying at home in small apartments with roommates or family put enormous stress on people.
Flesch-Kinkead – Grade: 5
Near the end of a long winter, people start experiencing ‘cabin fever’. They are stressed and tired from staying cooped up indoors for months on end and are desperate to get outside. Something similar occurred during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak. People were asked to practice social distancing and avoid going out. Some people were able to telework but for many in service jobs, this wasn’t possible. Staying at home, cooped up in small apartments with roommates or family members placed enormous stress on people. It had many of us climbing the walls.
Flesch-Kinkead – Grade: 7
Key Terms
climbing the walls – to feel frustrated, helpless, and trapped.
– It rained all week. The kids couldn’t play outside. They were climbing the walls.
stressful – bad feelings from a place, person, or situation
My job is really stressful. I feel bad every day after work.
service jobs – jobs doing things for customers (not manufacturing)
– Nursing is an important service job.
– My dad works in a factory. He likes manufacturing but I want a service job.
climbing the walls – to feel frustrated, helpless, and trapped
– It rained all week and by Friday, the children were climbing the walls
eager – strongly want to do or have something
– I’m eager for lunch.
– I’m eager to get started.
enormous – very large in size, strength, or amount
– This burger is enormous! I can’t eat all this.
– This CPU has enormous power. It’s the best one available.
– I have an enormous amount of work to do.
cabin fever – the stress and strong desire to go outside after being inside for a long time
A: I’m so tired of staying inside all day! I need to go outside or I’ll scream.
B: Sounds like you have cabin fever.
cooped up – when a person or animal is in a small space for a long time
– Take the dog out for a walk. Don’t keep her cooped up in the house all day.
climbing the walls – to feel frustrated, helpless, and trapped
– It rained all week and by Friday, the children were climbing the walls.