English Tips

I love questions. This space is where I share some of the longer answers to student questions. Feel free to ask me something any time! 

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Learn Vocabulary on TikTok This year, I’ve been working on a new project that I’m really excited to share with […]

Understanding Long English Sentences Students often ask for help with long, complicated sentences. Sometimes, they need to understand presentation scrpits, […]

Explaining Documents Documents like contracts can be confusing even for native speakers. It can also take a long time to […]

How to use the ampersand. The ampersand is often called the “and mark” by people less nerdy than me, but […]

Five things to avoid in professional English. Recently, I’ve been focusing a bit more on academic English in a business […]

What does “supposed to” mean? I heard it’s supposed to rain today. “Supposed to” is a great English expression that […]

How to Keep Up with Fast English Speakers Many of my students study English for work. Very often, they tell […]

How to Use Comparatives We compare things all the time, which is good because we have lots of ways to […]

How to Handle Angry People at Work Did you know I make custom LINE stickers? Check them out! Dealing with […]

Why are the Marvel movies so popular and how do I watch them? Several of my students asked me how […]

Understanding Wordy Questions Sometimes native speakers ask very wordy questions. This happens a lot when we are nervous, uncertain, or […]

Starting Conversations I’m a total introvert. That does not mean I don’t like talking to people, but it does mean […]

Stop Playing Conversation Catch Sometimes, teachers say conversation is like playing catch because our ideas go back and forth like […]

Proofreading – Need proofreading services? We will check your writing for formatting, accuracy, word choice, style, and usage. Simple, safe.

What is a gauntlet? My students and I often discus articles related to their industries or general business topics. Often, […]

Suggestions, recommendations, and Proposals: What’s the difference? Similarities  Suggestions, recommendations, and proposals are all used to share an idea. For […]

What’s the difference between end and finish? Finish and end both mean something stops. Finish typically means something is complete […]

What’s the difference between overtime and overwork? Overtime is a noun. It means extra time a person works. In casual […]

Valentine’s Day Idioms Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love. It’s an international holiday celebrated on February 14th in most […]

Native American Words in English English is a mishmash of words from all over the world with plenty of regional […]

Why are rabbits’ feet lucky? Lucky rabbits’ feet are popular around the world, but why are they lucky? Read the […]

On the bed and In bed Students often ask about the difference between “in bed” and “on the bed”. Fortunately, it’s […]

Farther and Further What’s the difference between farther and further and how do you use them?  Many native speakers mix […]

Independence Day Idioms and Expressions Happy 4th of July!  Independence Day is an American holiday to mark the signing of […]

Year’s Experience vs Years’ Experience Is it “year’s experience” or “years’ experience”?   This is a simple grammar point that a LOT […]

Father’s Day Idioms Happy Father’s Day!  As a very happy dad, you can imagine that Father’s Day is pretty special […]

How to use either. “Either” is pretty easy to use, but there are some special examples to look out for.  […]

Every Day and Everyday What’s the difference between every day and everyday? These words are easy to mix up, especially […]

Whether, weather, and wether Whether, weather, and wether: what’s the difference?  These words aren’t too hard, but they are easy […]

What is clickbait? Clickbait is a leading title, usually with an image. Online, these titles make people want to “click” […]

Mother’s Day Idioms A face only a mother could love. Happy Mother’s Day!  There are lots of idioms in English […]

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. […]

Silent K in English I like to say that spelling and pronunciation in English are a bit of an adventure. […]

Literally and Figuratively Figuratively Figurative expressions mean something special. The words and meaning don’t always match. “Spill the tea” means […]

How to write AM PM This drives me crazy. I look this up all the time, and always need to […]

North, South, East, and West I sometimes hear students mix up directions like “north of” or “in northern”. It’s an […]

Affect vs Effect What’s the difference between affect and effect?  English learners and native speakers alike get these words mixed […]

Five English Vocabulary Tips Learning English vocabulary takes some work, but these ideas will make it a little easier. Try these […]

Meet, Meet with, Meet up with What is the difference between meet with, meet, and meet up with?  This is […]

Alliteration Alliteration is when several words close together start with the same sound.  Ex: Peter Parker is the sensational Spider-Man!  […]

What to say on ST. Patrick’s Day! Having grown up in the States, St. Patrick’s Day is really special to […]

Find and Find Out One day, I was in the park, and I found something under a tree. It was […]

What’s the difference between “really” and “very”? Really / Very + adjectives Ex: The whipped cream on the pancakes was really tall.Ex: Unfortunately, […]

Believe vs Believe in “Believe” and “believe in” certainly look very similar, but they are used a bit differently.  What […]

Later Later I often hear students make mistakes with this word, so here are some simple examples to help remember […]

Three basic English words even native speakers often get wrong. There are some words in English that look and sound […]

Quotation Marks Quotation marks have several simple uses, and a lot of specific rules. Try learning the general rules first, and focus […]

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms Abbreviations are shortened forms of words.  Ex: Mister = Mr.  Ex: Mistress = Mrs.  Ex: Avenue […]

What are proper nouns and common nouns? Proper nouns are the names of special people, places, or things. Common nouns are the […]

Have you heard of kangaroo words? Kangaroo words contain their synonyms. For example, the word “chicken” contains the word “hen” which […]

Present Perfect vs Simple Past Present perfect and simple past are two patterns which learners often make mistakes with. Compare […]

How to use present perfect. Present Perfect is a great sentence pattern in English. It helps us talk about our […]

What’s the difference between wish and hope? I always need to double check the difference between hope and wish. Hopefully, […]

What’s the difference between by and until?  Check out the examples below and then use these words in your own […]

Negative Agreement A: I don’t think John is really sick. B: Neither do I. How do you use “me neither”? […]

active and passive What’s the difference between “active” and “passive”?   Check out the examples below and then use these styles […]

Thanksgiving Idioms Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday that celebrates family and the harvest. It’s celebrated on the third Thursday […]

How to use Semicolons I’m not going to lie; semicolons are tough. They are the single most misunderstood punctuation mark […]

even though / even if What’s the difference between “even though” and “even if”?   Check out the examples below and […]

Halloween Idioms Practice the idioms below and use them in your next conversations. They’re creepy and they’re spooky, mysterious, and […]

What’s the difference between “because” and “so”? Because + reason So + result Study the examples below, and then make […]

You and I Question: Which is correct, “you and me “or “you and I”?  Answer: They both are! Study the examples […]

CH Sounds CH has three different sounds. “Ch” sounds like “tsh”, “k”, and “sh”.. Below is a partial list of […]

Disrupting Japan Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them […]

Four Idioms 2 Instructions Read the idioms below. Do you understand the example sentences? Check the meaning and then use […]

How to Make Chili Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, […]

Four Idioms Instructions Read the idioms below. Do you understand the example sentences? Check the meaning and then use them […]

Building Confidence Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them […]

First – At First “First” and “at first” look similar but they are a little different. Keep reading to find […]

Job Perks Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them […]

Raising Bilingual Kids Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use […]

Climbing the Walls Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use […]

Banned Books InstructionsRead the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them in […]

Aches How many “aches” are there in English? Can you name them all?  Keep reading to be sure you remember […]

Is it Lego or Legos? Should we say Lego or Legos? The answer might surprise you. It certainly surprised me.  […]

Clam Diggers Instructions Read the story below at your level. Then, study the key words and phrases. Later, use them […]

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