Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words.
Ex: Mister = Mr.
Ex: Mistress = Mrs.
Ex: Avenue = Ave.
Ex: Apartment = Apt.
Acronyms are a kind of abbreviation. They are usually formed with the first letters, or the first parts of several words, and form a new word.
Ex: NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (my favorite)
Ex: JPEG = Joint Photographic Endpoints Group
Ex: scuba = self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
Ex: radar = radio detection and ranging
Initialisms are abbreviations where each letter is said separately.
Ex: USA = United States of America
Ex: FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation
Ex: BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
Ex: BYOB = Bring Your Own Beer
There are lots of abbreviations in English so be sure to look them up if you aren’t sure of the spelling or pronunciation. I mentioned earlier that NASA is my favorite acronym, so it only seams fair to share my least favorite abbreviation: asgmt. It means “assignment” and I ALWAYS have to look it up.
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