Explaining and Understanding Technical Points

I had the pleasure of teaching JICA volunteers in the Maths and Science department for a number of years who would go on to teach children in developing countries. During those classes, we practiced common sentence patterns for making clear explanations of technical points. These are helpful because of their clarity as well as their frequencey of use. Let’s take a look! 

1. Definitions

A ____ is a ____ 
• An algorithm is a set of rules usef for solving problems. 
• A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. 

2. Comparisons

A ____ is like a ____ 
• A firewall is like a security guard for your network. It decides what can and cannot enter.
• A generator is like a backup battery for your home. When the main power goes out, the generator works to keep everything running. 

Note: You can also use analogies in this way. 
• Think of a generator like a spare tire for your car. You might not use it every day, but it’s a massive help when something goes wrong. 

3. Cause and Effect

When ____ happens,  ____ happens.
• When the system receives too many requests at once, it slows down. This is called a bottleneck. 
• When the power goes out, a generator automatically starts up.

Note: Change “when” to “if”and make a conditional.
Ex: If the power goes out, a generator will automatically start up. 

4. Sequences

First, _____. Then, _____. Finally, ____. 
• First, the server receives a request, which it then processes, and finally, sends back a response. 
• First, the generator detects a power outage, after which the engine starts to produce electricity. 

Remember, these are just examples. You’ll need to add details, and variety to make your explanations more and more natural.

Want help? 

Book a class today and let’s practice talking about the technical points important to you! 

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