Four Idioms
Read the idioms below. Do you understand the example sentences? Check the meaning and then use them when you speak.
Ahead of the pack
– Our last campaign helped us get ahead of the pack. Our sales are better than any other company.
– It’s not easy to stay ahead of the pack. Other companies are always trying to beat us.
– We were ahead of the pack but another company is number one this year.
Ahead of the pack
- winning
- doing better than others
This idiom comes from running. Imagine a runner going very fast. Other runners are all behind him. The slow runners are “the pack”. The fast runner is far ahead. He or she is really ahead of the pack.
Down the drain
– I bought a new computer. It was expensive but it’s terrible. All my money went down the drain.
– I worked on my project for two weeks. Someone deleted all my data. All my hard work, down the drain.
– My car keeps breaking down. I could fix it but I feel like I’m pouring money down the drain.
Down the drain
- wasted or lost
- This idiom comes from the kitchen sink. Water goes down the drain and is lost.
In the driver’s seat
– For this project, I will be in the driver’s seat. I’ll plan everything and you’ll report to me.
– I don’t like to be in the driver’s seat. I don’t want all that responsibility.
– Donald should never be in the driver’s seat. He’s not good at leading people.
In the driver’s seat
- to be in control of a situation
- to be in a leadership position
This idiom comes from driving. The driver is in control of the car. He or she is literally in the driver’s seat.
In the same boat
A: I don’t have any money left.
B: Me neither. We’re in the same boat.
– More and more people are buying water and health drinks. That puts companies like Coke and Pepsi in the same boat as their sales decrease.
– When it comes to the environment, we are all in the same boat.
In the same boat
- in the same difficult situation
- This idiom comes from ancient Greece. Sailing was much more risky at that time. All passengers in a boat are in the same situation.