What's the difference between by and until?

Check out the examples below and then use these words in your own writing and speaking.
by = before a deadline
– I need to finish my reports by five o’clock.
– I need to finish my reports before five o’clock.
by = on or before a deadline
– The package should arrive by Friday.
– The package should arrive on or before Friday.
Until = from a time to a deadline
– I’m going to work on my report from now to five o’clock.
– I’m going to work on my report from now until five o’clock.
– I’m going to work on my report until five o’clock.
– Until you arrive, we can’t start the meeting.
– I’ll wait at the station until you arrive.
Note: till = until
This is usually a bit more casual.
– I’ll be here till about five.
– Can you wait till I get back?
Practice examples:
1. I’m working _____ six.
2. I’m at work now. I’ll finish work at six. I think I’ll be home _____ seven.
3. I’m at home now, but I’m going out later. I’ll be home _____ seven.
4. No dessert _____ you eat your vegetables.
5. _____ ten o’clock, I want to be in bed.
6. This offer is only available _____ Saturday.
7. Construction will continue _____ next summer.
8. Homework must be submitted _____ tomorrow at the latest.
9. I stayed up _____ four o’clock this morning.
10. The train won’t get to the station _____ nine.
1. until 2. by 3. until 4. until 5. by
6. until 7. until 8. by 9. until
10. both ok
The train won’t get to the station by nine. = not before nine
The train won’t get to the station until nine. = from now to nine the train will be out of the station
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